“You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.” Albert Einstein
fEASYca : the new challenge of the Cultural channel to the format of foreign science -tainment . A program written and produced entirely in Italy! In 2012 , the pilot on gravity received the Prix Manzi, in 2013 the series has earned the prestigious patronage of ENEA, in 2015 won the Jury Prize at the Bergamo Film Fest and participated at the Prix Italia of European Broadcasters .
Prodotto per:
IMPERIAL HOTEL ENTROPIA location: sorrento
Ospite per due giorni di un 5 stelle lusso dal sapore Grand Tour: un mondo quasi incantato dove il conduttore fa irruzione per introdurvi il caos! Ovvero aumentarne il livello di ∆S: di entropia. Ma anche la terza legge di Newton, come volano gli aerei e l'albergo infinito di Hilbert.
Guest for two days of a 5 -star luxury hotel with a Grand Tour flavour: an almost enchanted world where the conductor bursts to introduce…Chaos ! Or better: to increase the level of ΔS, of entropy . But also: the third law of Newton , how do airplanes fly and Hilbert’s Infinite hotel.
THE TREE HOUSE location: trento
Building a tree house : the dream of every child ... and the nightmare of the conductor . Four days of very hard unskilled labor to finally enjoying reading at 9 meters above the ground that famous passage of the Barone Rampante of Italo Calvino. Of course, things would be a bit more complex it had not been for Archimedes and his levers. But the concept of derivative of life will relativize his aching muscles?
LET'S GET PHYSICAL! location: pinerolo/roma
What wouldn’t I do to be part of the team that will go curling at the Olympics in Sochi . No sooner said than done! Full immersion between angular momentum and inertia on the ice of Pinerolo Olymipic Stadium . And then ... two shots of foil with multi-medalists Italian athletes . Can Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics help me improve the parry f fourth position ?
The Colosseum, a skateboard, a bell tower, a pizzeria : Rome becomes a metropolitan laboratory to reveal all the unexpected secrets of law of gravity. In 1700, Henry Cavendish perfected the formula to attract objects with mere the power of gravity. Will we be able repeat the experiment?
LA QUASI FISICA DI DANTE location: ENEA bracciano/frascati
Maybe Dante, the great poet, has lost some laws of physics in the middle of his journey the afterlife? Or maybe he gave as a glimpse at laws of physics developed centuries later ? Let’s spend a weekend in the futuristic research center ENEA - Casaccia . The conductor will analyze the Divine Comedy in search of Galilean relativity , the gravitational levitation or the sound propagation . With the help of an unlikely Virgil ...